Earth Day 2013

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia via NASA

It’s Earth Day!   While it’s not a national holiday (though it should be), it is a day that has potentially impactful implications in all our lives.  Earth Day is typically focused on our resources, and recently, there’s been a major focus on climate change.  Here’s a neat infographic about the change in climate since we celebrated the first Earth Day.

For me, Earth Day is a reminder of great things the Earth provides: food and water.  We have limited resources, and today, we are asked to consider how we conserve these resources, and how we move forward to preserve them.  Agriculture has a profound impact on our planet, but there are several ways to make simple changes to reduce these negative impacts.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Here are 8 simple ways to eat differently to save the planet:

  1. Go organic – While not synonymous with sustainable, organic production is typically better for our earth and our bodies.
  2. Eat the rainbow – For health and nutrition, and just plain deliciousness, eat as many fruits and veggies of all different shapes, sizes and colors.
  3. Eat local – This is in fact possible, no matter where you live.  It might take a little bit of research for local producers, but it’s worth it.  Eating locally is also eating deliciously!
  4. Finish your peas – Don’t waste food!  And start composting.
  5. Send packaging packing – Bring your own bags, containers, water bottles, etc.  There’s no need to increase consumption when you can reduce, recycle, and reuse!
  6. Reach for real food – Simplify the ingredient lists on those packaged products, or do away with them entirely.  Packaging and processing only increase our dependence on fossil fuels.  Plus, real food is the best way to nourish our bodies.
  7. DIY food – The best way to connect with others is to share a meal, preferably homemade!  The experience of cooking with friends and sharing a kitchen is as fun as eating the meal with them!
  8. Go Meatless on Mondays – Reducing meat consumption and choosing sustainably produced meats is the best way to minimize your carbon footprint and reduce dependence on water.

Try one, or try all 8.  Today’s a great day to start.

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